Great Villages to Visit In Cyprus

Whether you want to learn or simply want to experience and relax, Cyprus villages are an insightful way to get a glimpse into authentic and traditional Cypriot lifestyle. Check out our list of the most popular villages, that you can visit all year round.

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Great Villages to Visit In Cyprus

This small island is full of hidden gems of tradition, fine architecture and rich flora, all waiting to be explored. There’s an array of interesting villages to visit in Cyprus, where you can learn about local culture and historic values, try out traditional food and beverages, engage in various local activities and have a wonderful time with your loved ones. Whether you want to learn or simply want to experience and relax, Cyprus villages are for you.

Here is a list of the most popular villages:


Troodos is the tallest mountain of the island and the local community is taking advantage of this by creating a ski centre for tourists and locals. Sports lovers can enjoy skiing and snowboarding at the Ski Centre, no matter their level, from beginners to Olympians. Once the first snows start to fall, the Troodos square is filled with people who travel just 45 minutes to enjoy their coffee or traditional Cypriot food and sweets in the magical white scenery. Troodos, however, can be enjoyed throughout the whole year too, where visitors can enjoy the beautiful views while travelling the mountain roads, and enjoy a full immersion into nature while they traverse Troodos National Park. Especially during the summer months where the Troodos mountains act as a cool escape from the heat of the cities.


The nearest village to Troodos is Platres. This is an amazing destination both in the winter and summer. You can find beautiful traditional houses to rent through Airbnb, book luxurious hotel rooms and enjoy the fresh air of the mountains, or even consider camping if that sounds like fun to you. If you are an adventurer, you will be happy to hear that you can find two of the biggest nature trails of the island leading to waterfalls called ‘Millomeris’ and ‘Kalidonia’. On the other hand, if you are not much of a hiker, you can have a more relaxed time at the Platres Chocolate Workshop and witness the process of making delicious chocolate from traditional ‘koumantaria’ (traditional sweet red wine) and ‘zivania’ (traditional strong alcohol made by grapes), as well as local fruit and nuts.


One of the most popular mountain destinations of the island is ‘Kakopetria’ village. If you find yourself passing by, sit at a coffee shop to enjoy a cup of Cypriot coffee along with some ‘loukoumades’, i.e. deliciously addictive traditional honey dough balls. Apart from the cosy coffee shops and traditional taverns, you can also enjoy walking in the stoned narrow streets of the old Kakopetria, along the two rivers ‘Karkoti’ and ‘Garilli’. The old part of the village is characterized by its distinctive architecture and it is considered an ancient monument, protected by the Cypriot Department of Antiquities. Overall, the village is a great place to visit and unwind.


This place was named after the Great Agros Monastery, built in the location of the church of Virgin Mary of Agros. Surrounded by beautiful nature and built with traditional architecture, Agros is one of the wine-production villages (Krasochoria) of the island. Due to its high altitude and favourable climate, quality grapes are produced there, which make delicious wines that can be tried and explored throughout the grape region. Additionally, the village is known for its mass production in rose water. To celebrate this, the people of Agros organise a rose festival every year in May, which is a highly recommended visit.


As its name demonstrates, Lofou, meaning hill in Greek, is built on a mountain. Beautiful scenery, cobblestone narrow streets and an abundance of trees and flowers characterise this village. Another place with mass production of tasty wine, Lofou also belongs to the 4th Wine Route of Cyprus. Along with the wine, you can also taste traditional products made from it, such as ‘palouzes’ (this is a thin tasty cream made with flour and grape juice) and ‘’soutzouko’ (the same cream but enriched with walnuts or other nuts). If you find yourself visiting this lovely village, make sure you have time to visit the Museum of folk art, where you can see how people were living there years ago. And if you have some more time or curiosity you can enjoy a visit to the Olive Museum.


This beautiful place was named after its first resident called Panayiotis, who was a good Christian and built his house next to the monastery to dedicate his life to God. You are recommended to visit this village if you seek relaxation, calmness and rejuvenation as you will find idyllic green scenery, iamatic springs and traditional architecture. There are many churches and chapels in Kalopanayiotis but the main attraction is the Monastery of Agiou Ioanni Lambadisti, which is protected by UNESCO.


This small village is truly a beauty and it is definitely worth paying a visit to. It is an amazingly picturesque place with friendly people and traditional stoned streets. Lefkara is famous for its handmade embroideries and top quality lace. Visitors can learn about the tradition of lace-making and see the different pieces still available for sale on their visit to the village. Legend says that Leonardo da Vinci visited the village to purchase a lace cloth in 1481. Additionally, it is also worth visiting the beautiful ancient chapels and churches, especially the Church of Timios Stavros and the chapel of Archangel Michael where you can enjoy serenity and peace.


Another interesting village to visit, which is also a vineyard producing sweet grape flavours and exquisite wines, is Omodos. At the central square of the village, you can find the Holy Cross Monastery, which is worth having a look at. Afterwards, you can take a rest at a modern coffee shop in the square and enjoy quality coffee along with delicious sweets, or try out the local plates at one of the traditional restaurants. In the small stores of the village, you can find various products made with carob syrup, one of the productions Omodos is famous for.

Written December 2019

The list of fantastic places to visit in Cyprus is very long. Those mentioned above are the most well-known villages in the Republic of Cyprus, which are a must-see when you find yourself on holiday on the island or simply enjoying your weekends living here. Every corner of the island has something beautiful and unique to offer. All you need to do is open a map of Cyprus, select a place that appeals to you most and you can embark on a new exciting adventure!

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