The Coffee Culture of Cyprus

What Cypriots love more than making and eating their famous ‘souvlaki’ is drinking coffee! And this island has a reputation of making good coffee.

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  • Enjoy

The Coffee Culture of Cyprus

What Cypriots love more than making and eating their famous ‘souvlaki’ is drinking coffee! The island has a reputation of making good coffee, a fact that is not widely known to foreigners. It is an inherent ritual of the Cypriot culture to have regular coffee breaks throughout the day and even at night. People either take a cup for takeaway to their workplace, school, home or most often they sit at a café for hours, enjoying their favourite beverage.
Generally, the whole island flows with slow rhythms. People never seem to be in a rush to go anywhere and they pass their days with a relaxed mood. It is as if people are in permanent vacation mode, chilling at coffee shops with no worries in their mind, chatting with their friends and families, playing board games (such as playing cards or backgammon), or even studying with their books or laptops on the table. Cyprus is one of the safest countries in the world with an extremely low crime rate, making it the ideal place to raise a family in a safe and friendly environment. It is also a fantastic vacation destination, due to its warm climate and relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle.

Long Tradition of Coffee

The coffee culture of Cyprus is almost as old as the origins of the island. From the beginning of time, the Cypriots had a sacred ritual of visiting a small traditional coffee shop, called ‘kafenes’ to enjoy a cup of their traditional coffee, while catching up with the news of the village with their neighbours or to challenge themselves with an intense game of backgammon. The so-called ‘kafenes’ existed in each village and town of Cyprus and it was literally the meeting point of the inhabitants. Initially, only men were allowed to join this sacred place and enjoy the smell of real coffee and the pleasures of gossip and political debates, while women stayed at home to cook or clean the house. Later, women were accepted at the coffee shops as well.

Traditional Cyprus coffee is made by using a long-handled copper pot called ‘briki’. You add a tablespoon of finely ground coffee beans and some water, and then you brew the liquid in a box of hot sand. You can also add two tablespoons of coffee and more water for a double cup. While boiling, the coffee starts to rise at one point and create the ‘kaimaki’; this is froth on top of the coffee. Before it boils out of the pot, you need to remove it from the heat and pour it in a small espresso cup. This is quite a strong coffee; hence it is served in a small cup along with a glass of refreshing water. A thick layer of coffee remains at the bottom of the cup and it should not be consumed. Rather, this part was and still is, used by fortune-tellers to predict the future of the drinker. Whether you believe in fortune-telling or not, this could be a fun experience.

Modern Coffee Culture

Years after the primitive stages of life on the island, traditional coffee shops have multiplied in Cyprus and the elderly, as well as the youngsters, preserve their morning, afternoon and night rituals of coffee and small talk. Today, many modern coffee shops have been built, from big international brands to the small family business cafés. People of all ages and genders still have the restless habit of sitting at old or new cafés, enjoying not only a cup of classic Cyprus coffee, but other beverages too, such as latte, cappuccino or americano, along with a cold sandwich, a pastry, or a sweet cake. Another popular local coffee, though a more recent discovery, is the ‘Frappe’. This is a cold beverage made in a shaker, by adding one or two tablespoons of instant coffee, sugar if desired, and water. A thick foam is created by shaking the ingredients together, which is then poured into a tall glass with lots of ice, and then adding milk or water, depending on your preference. A Frappe is a must for any summer holiday visitors to get into the fully Cypriot mood.

International Coffee Brands in Cyprus

Despite the local coffee tradition, big coffee brands definitely aren’t missing from the island. Like in every other European country, you can find coffee shops of famous international brands in every city of Cyprus, so that you can get the beverage you are familiarised with and feel at home. Having all the European standards of a coffee shop, you can do what you usually do there, such as read your newspaper, study, have a business meeting, work on your laptop or chat with a friend. Some of the biggest brand chains established in Cyprus include Starbucks, Costa Coffee, Caffé Nero and Coffee Island.

Smaller Independent Cafés

In addition to the big coffee brands, you can also find smaller independent cafés, not as popular, but equally good in aesthetics and quality of products. Since Cypriots love coffee, owning a café is always a good business idea. As busy as their schedule might be, people of Cyprus always find time to visit their favourite café and catch up with their acquaintances. Here is a small list highlighting several speciality-coffee, modern and cosy cafés:

  • Uluwatu (Limassol)
  • A κχoffee Project (Nicosia)
  • Grafico café (Paphos)
  • Colours (Limassol)
  • Menta Speciality coffee (Nicosia)
  • Stretto café (Limassol)
  • Paul's Coffee Roasters (Larnaca)

Most people visiting Cyprus overlook the rich coffee culture embedded in this place and they miss out on a big part of its culture. You will easily find big coffee brands in every corner of the island, where you can enjoy the coffee you know and love or try out new flavours. Additionally, it is highly recommended to spend some time visiting smaller, more traditional coffee shops as well, so you can grasp the historic importance of the coffee culture of the country. You can familiarize with the traditional way of making Cyprus coffee, witness the rich taste and aroma, enjoy your cup with a traditional sweet and experience the magic of the process to its fullest. If you wish to live in a place where you can have both busy and relaxed days, as well as good coffee, then Cyprus is definitely the place for you.

Written December 2019

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