Why Cyprus?

Random facts and things you have to know about cyprus.

Join The Most Beautiful Island of the Mediterranean and Enjoy…

Incredible Wine & Beautiful Vineyards

With 52 recognized wineries, 9 beautiful wine routes, and over 6000 years of history, experiencing the Cyprus wine culture is a must.

Amazing Subtropical Climate

Cyprus has roughly 320 days of sunlight a year, with average temperatures in the summer between 30-33 degrees and winter temperatures of 13-15 degrees, the island boasts one of the best climates for fun and enjoyment

Safe For The Whole Family

Cyprus is ranked as one of the safest places throughout Europe and throughout the world, with very low crime rates. This allows locals and expats alike to enjoy life to the fullest while feeling safe and comfortable.

Wonderful Coastlines All Around

With 4 out of the 5 major cities in Cyprus based around the coast, you are never more than a few minutes away from the coastline where you can relax and enjoy all the sea has to offer.

High Standard of Living

With prices for general living being significantly lower than many of its European and International counterparts while still boasting a developed and large GDP per capita, Cyprus not only is a great place for business success but somewhere where your money can get you a lot more

Low Corporate Tax rate

Corporate Tax rate being only 12.5%, one of the lowest throughout Europe, is just one of the many reasons why forming businesses in Cyprus offers huge advantages.

Beautiful Villages to Explore

With a whole island full of incredibly beautiful and idyllic villages, you can always have a weekend adventure exploring Cyprus.

Huge Expat Community

As more and more people move to Cyprus to enjoy the many benefits, the island has created great Expats communities, so wherever you are from, you will find all the services and community you need to make you feel welcome and at home.

2nd Most Educated Workforce in Europe

Cyprus has the 2nd most educated workforce in Europe when comparing those with university degrees, meaning you can always find people with the know how you require for all your needs.

Blue Flag Beaches

With Cyprus having 57 beaches awarded the prestigious Blue Flag designation, you can be sure that you will get to enjoy some of the most beautiful, clean, and environmentally friendly beaches that the world has to offer.

0% Dividends Tax

0% Dividends Tax for those with Non-Domicile Tax status, something which nearly all Non-Cypriots are able to claim, is just another one of the many reasons why moving over to Cyprus could be for you and your business.

Full European Union Member Country

Cyprus has been a full member of the European since 2004, and enjoys all the benefits including the common marketplace, free movement of people and workforce, legal justice frameworks, and European security.

Fantastic Entrepreneurial Community

With both young and old entrepreneurs increasingly choosing to make Cyprus their base of operations, the business community is thriving, whether a technology startup or a more traditional business, Cyprus has the people and support to help make your plans a reality.

Delicious Food Culture

Cyprus has a great food culture. You can experience all the wonderful food that Cyprus has to offer, with islanders always up for enjoying a shared meal together. Both traditional and modern cuisine can be tried and enjoyed with friends and family all over the island.

English Widely Spoken Commercially & Privately

Having been an ex-colony of Britain and with many citizens choosing to obtain higher education throughout the UK and Europe, foreigners will find that they are able to fully communicate both commercially and privately in English.

Awesome & Easily Accessible Non-Domicile Tax Status

With Cyprus geared towards foreign Entrepreneurs and Investors, the easily accessible and globally leading Non-Domicile Tax status provides some of the greatest Tax incentives that can be obtained throughout the world.

Nature Trails & Hikes

With incredible nature all around the island, you can always grab your hiking boots and enjoy a wonderful day in the many hiking and mountain trails.

Watersports Heaven

If you love an adrenaline hit, then the easy access to the many beaches along with the growing Watersports community on the island will give you all the fun you are looking for.

Fresh Air & Clear Starry Nights

Cyprus boast low pollution, fresh air, and beautiful starry night skies that can be enjoyed only minutes away from most locations on the island. So relax, look up and experience all that the amazing view of the Universe has to offer,

Open & Warm Mediterranean Culture

The people of Cyprus, a Mediterranean people, are culturally open and warm, a place where you will be able to meet new people and make friends who will welcome you. A place where you can create relationships that you can truly enjoy.

0% Tax on Rental Income

0% Tax on Rental income for those with Non-Domicile Tax status, something which nearly all Non-Cypriots are able to claim, is another great reason why moving over to Cyprus could be a fantastic move for you and your business.

Leading Commercial Law Basis

With the Cypriot Justice system having its foundations from British Commercial Law mixed with the the modern European directives and European Constitution, Cyprus provides an excellent legal framework for businesses of all types to operate in.

Ancient & World Heritage Sites

For those who love history or enjoy seeing ancient architecture, Cyprus has many ancient archeological sites that can be visited, including three UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the Island, and has another 11 on its nomination list.

The Birthplace of Love & Beauty

Aphrodite, the Ancient Greek Goddess of love and beauty is said to have been born on the island as the historical legends go. Why not enjoy a visit with friends and family to the mystical birthplace at "Petra tou Romiou" on one of the islands most beautiful coastlines ?

All About Lifestyle

People in Cyprus generally have a great work to life balance, and are generally social and outgoing, with even the most driven of people still enjoying coffee or other outings with friends. So why not enjoy all the benefits of the island life where you can escape from the rat race while still enjoying all the fun and excitement of business?

High Quality Education

Cyprus has both private and public schools, as well as public and private Universities. With private education being widespread, high quality, and relatively cheap compared to its international counterparts. Furthermore for those who wish to continue higher education in Cyprus, they have a wide range of Universities to choose from, with many giving double accreditation between Cyprus and European countries respectively.

0% Tax on Interest income

0% Tax on Interest income for those with Non-Domicile Tax status, something which nearly all Non-Cypriots are able to claim, is another great reason why moving over to Cyprus could be a awesome move for you and your business.

We’ve Got You Fully Covered!

By choosing us we guarantee you will enjoy all the great Tax & Lifestyle benefits of moving your business to Cyprus with ease

Office Space & Secretarial Services

Virtual offices, Corporate Space, and Secretarial Services to match your needs. We offer a wide range of solutions to meet your business and structural requirements

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Company Formations

From solo LTDs to Multinational Subsidiaries and Group Holdings, we can provide company formation structures tailored for you

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Corporate & Individual Tax Planning

Through our careful Tax plans and structures, we have what you need to help you keep and make the most of your money

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Audit, Accounting, Payroll, VAT

We have everything you need to keep your company up-to date and running smoothly

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